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Toute cette transformation et le fait d'être dans des conditions optimums quand on fait une visioconférence ont largement augmenté la productivité des collaborateurs Eramet
Directeur des infrastructures Groupe,
For a diverse organization with different workstyles such as ours, Jabra fulfills those needs perfectly, with an extensive range of products.
Neville BurdanDirector of Cybersecurity & Digital Workplace, NTT
The Jabra Engage 50 headsets delivered the performance and flexibility that helped assist Moneypenny to continue to deliver superior
customer service despite having to swiftly transition receptionists to working from home.
Pete HanlonChief Technology Officer, Moneypenny
With the rising demand for flexible working style, Jabra's products have not only provided WeWork members with a better VC experience, but also with great customer service.
Amber WuStrategic Alliance Manager, WeWork
Jabra PanaCast allows teachers to fully utilise the entire classroom while remote teaching, which increases the student-teacher interaction.
Ching Chi CheungDeputy Principal, Fukien Secondary School Affiliated School
Diversified teaching software with Jabra’s professional meeting equipment makes a well rounded learning and teaching system.
Victor T.W. Yeung HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School
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Michael J Moritz Jr. $$not found: /sitecore/content/Shared/ContentDictionary/Page Content/Blueparrott - customer-stories/Quotes - Albuquerque subtitle$$
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Terry Garner $$not found: /sitecore/content/Shared/ContentDictionary/Page Content/Blueparrott - customer-stories/Quotes - Weber subtitle$$